Echo Detected and FT EPR

Echo Detected and Fourier Transform EPR

In Echo-Detected and FT EPR, microwave pulses are used to drive electronic transitions as the magnetic field is swept.  This is in contrast to the more commonly used continuous wave EPR techniques.


Double Electron-Electron Resonance

DEER, also known as PELDOR or Pulsed ELDOR, uses two separate microwave frequencies to examine the coupling between two electron spins in order to make a distance measurement, typically between two nitroxide spin labels.


Electron Spin Echo-Electron Nuclear DOuble Resonance

In ESE-ENDOR experiments, nuclear transitions are driven directly using an RF pulse and the effect on the detected echo is monitored as a function of the frequency of the RF pulse.


Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation

In ESEEM experiments, the modulation of the echo intensity as a function of the delay between the microwave pulses is monitored.  This modulation is due to the coupling between the electron being probed and nuclei within the system.


2D HYperfine Sub-level CORrElation

2D HYSCORE is essentially a two dimensional ESEEM experiment in which correlation is transferred from one electron spin manifold to another.

Relaxation Determination

 Relaxation Determination

There are two simple experiments that can be used to give a good indication of T1 and T2, which are the Inversion Recovery experiment and a 2P ESEEM measurement.

Ohio Advanced EPR Laboratory
651 East High Street
055 Hughes Laboratories
Oxford, OH 45056